A symbol representing the blue rose.

The Outskirts

A skeleton in a blue robe, holding a walking stick.

I love how the indoors visually appear so sterile, nearly unreal, when I come back from playing in the snow.

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The Math Doctors
Youtube: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Wikipedia: Homophily - "Birds of a feather flock together"


Salite: a Kindar society, whose purpose is to rid Green-Sky of all Erdlings as well as all those who believe in the unification of the two societies
grund: one of the enormous trees whose branches support the Kindar stores, nid-places, and public buildings
hidden curriculum: behavior/attitudes learned at school which aren't part of the formal curriculum
maxim: a concise expression of a fundamental moral rule or principle
eschaton: climax of history, following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives