A symbol representing the blue rose.

The Outskirts

A skeleton in a blue robe, holding a walking stick.

I love how the indoors visually appear so sterile, nearly unreal, when I come back from playing in the snow.

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Tamara Natalie Madden
Fandom: Soundeffects Wiki
The Phrontistery - "Since 1996, I have compiled word lists and language resources to spread the joy of the English language in all its variety through time and space."
Michael Whelan - Watch out for banger fantasy/sci-fi novel covers


hoary: gray or white with or as if with age; ancient
verschlimmbessern: trying to improve something but making it worse in the process
chignon: roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck; a bun
fruit & nuts: considered a Kindar delicacy. you may have an initial supply in your nid-place. if not, find other sources
hyggelig: everything caring, friendly, safe and snuggly