"How many stories do you see here, boy!?"
A communication medium that represents human language through the inscription or recording of signs and symbols.
You can view a list of everything I've written (for other people to see) here.
"My aim is to put down on paper
what I see and what I feel
in the best and simplest way."
- Ernest Hemingway
George Orwell's Six Rules for Writing
- Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
- Never use a long word where a short one will do.
- If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
- Never use the passive where you can use the active.
- Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
- Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
StarDict Dictionaries
!Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
The Phrontistery - "Since 1996, I have compiled word lists and language resources to spread the joy of the English language in all its variety through time and space."
Careful Words - curated synonyms and historical quotations
Glossary of Literary Terms
Literary Terms and Definitions
Green's Dictionary of Slang - five hundred years of the vulgar tongue
Acronymy - can we define every word as an acronym?
A Neurodivergent Writing Guide - Has some overlap with the Neurodiversity page.
The Writing Center: Tips & Tools
Purdue Online Writing Lab
The Economist's style guide
The Punctuation Guide
Poetry Foundation
TV Tropes
Mythcreants - an online publication for speculative fiction storytellers. has put out some articles i appreciated
Blood Knife - a digital magazine about cyberpunk, sci-fi, horror, neon, knives, blood, and capitalism. has put out some articles i appreciated
good writers are perverts
alt-text as poetry
On Writing Skin Tone Descriptions
Writing Commons - peer-reviewed encyclopedia on writing
Screenwriting Info
StarDict - for your offline dictionary needs
Fountain - plain text markup language for screenwriting
XKCD Simple Writer
This Word Does Not Exist
Trunkless - cut-up poetry tool
Wavemaker - i haven't tried it, but it's an interesting-looking tool for people trying to write, plan, and structure a novel
Corpora - collection of small corpuses of interesting data
every list .txt on my laptop
Internet Speculative Fiction Database
bildungsroman: literary "genre" focusing on the psychological/moral growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood (coming of age), in which character change is important
carnivalization: the liberating, subversive influence of popular humour on the literary tradition
colophon: inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication
delenda: that which is to be deleted from a text
epizeuxis: immediate repetition of a word or phrase, often for emphasis or catharsis
florilegium: a collection of excerpts from other writings
holophrasis: expressing a complex idea in a single word or phrase
marginalia: notes in the margin, margins of a book
palimpsest: manuscript from which one writing has been erased or rubbed out to make room for another
polyphony: a feature of narrative, which includes a diversity of simultaneous points of view and voices
portmanteau: word formed by merging the sounds/meanings of different words
"Who fucking cares about stories?
I'm not really that interested in content.
I am interested in the
energy, velocity, inspiration and dexterity
with which you can tell a tale,
the alchemy of language.
I think stories are overrated."
– David Keenan
Eunoia by Christian Bök (Archive)
2024-11-10: "All my best writing happens within my head after staying up till 4 AM, and it leaves the second I try to record it." (Source)