"It is odd, he said, how some languages are warmer than others."
Panagram Collection
A panagram is a sentence that contains all letters of the alphabet. Here's a list of my favorites:
"A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!"
"Gilb jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf."
"Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs!"
"Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game."
"A quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf."
"Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes."
"By Jove, my quick study of lexicography won a prize!"
"As quirky joke, chefs won't pay Devil magic zebra tax."
"My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit."
"Few black taxis drive up major roads on quiet hazy nights."
"Just poets wax boldly as kings and queens march over fuzz."
"We found some quaint bronze jewelry while making deep excavations."
"Six big juicy steaks sizzled in a pan as five workmen left the quarry."
"The public was amazed to view the quickness and dexterity of the juggler."
"The explorer was frozen in his big kayak just after making queer discoveries."
"Forsaking monastic tradition, twelve jovial friars gave up their vocation for a questionable existence on the flying trapeze."
BBC: The language rules we know – but don’t know we know
North American English Dialects
Maggie Sensei
The Kanji Map
toki pona
toki pona
toki pona Cheat Sheet (alternate)
jan Misali's toki pona lessons
jan Lentan's toki pona lessons
Lectronice's toki pona dictionary
Lectronice's toki pona fourm
Lingua Ignota
St. Hildegard's Litteræ Ignotæ
Lingua Ignota Glossary
Language Hat
Endangered Languages Project
Linguist List
Native American Languages
The Language Construction Kit
David J. Peterson
Te Reo Hāpai
The Elian Script
amphibology: ambiguity in language, dual grammatical meaning
aptronym: a name that's aptly suited to it's subject
lexicon: vocabulary, dictionary, repertoire
mondegreen: a mishearing/misinterpretation of a phrase in a way that gives it a new meaning
palindrome: a sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward
pleonasm: redundancy in linguistic expression
pronomination: description of a thing by its qualities rather than its proper name
Captain Blood by Exxos (AtariST/Amiga/DOS/Macintosh/C64)
Heaven's Vault by Inkle Studios (Steam)
????-??-??: "About 10 years ago my older brother and I had this thing where we would entertain ourselves by putting whole chapters of books into Google translate, picking a random language, and then copypasting the output into the input. We'd do this a bunch of times before translating it back to English, and the end result would often be quite interestingly garbled. I remember we did this with part of Around The World In 80 Days, and got a tale involving Passpartout giving birth so many times he filled a valley with his offspring, and then abruptly revealing he and Phileas Fogg were actually just playing a video game about world travel the entire time, which was probably the most directly funny flip of a book's contents we achieved lol" (Source)