(The nuns will give you peanut butter)
Organized Religion
Religious Tolerance
Open Siddur - a community-grown, libre Open Access archive of Jewish prayer and liturgical resources
Jewish Encyclopedia
Vividness - Site about Vajrayana Buddhism
Buddhism for Vampires
Heaven's Gate
Sora Nostra
Esoteric Archives
Grimore Encyclopedia
Astrolog - astrology software. here cause it's very a e s t h e t i c.
Hermetic Kabbalah
Paradise Gardener: Garden - what is the meaning of soul garden?
Wikipedia: Playback (technique) - "recording the target’s own base shittiness, and then playing it back to him at subliminal levels."
ablution: washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite
anattā: doctrine that no unchanging, permanent self/essence can be found in any phenomenon
anethema: curse, excommunication, denunciation, one that is cursed, damned
animism: the belief that natural objects/phenomena possess/are animated by individual/distinct spirits/spiritual essences
apotropaic: having the power/intended to prevent/ward off evil/misfortune/harm
augur: a seer/prophet/diviner, fortell, to be/an omen of
discarnate: having no material/physical form/body
egregore: non-physical entity/thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts, emotions of a distinct group of individuals
hierophant: one who shows or reveals sacred things
hylozoism: doctrine that all matter is endowed with life
ouroboros: ancient symbol depicting a serpent/dragon eating its own tail
palingenesis: re-birth/generation/incarnation/etc, metempsychosis
sacrosanct: sacred, inviolable, beyond alteration or criticism
tulpa: an object or being that is created through spiritual/mental powers
Cosmology of Kyoto by Softedge (Macintosh/Win95)
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar by Richard Garriot (DOS/C64)
2024-11-02: "we should all depict god the spirit as the sunlight interacting with our mundane household things. most spiritual shit in my house, rather than my mom's soulless facebook boomer bible verse art on the wall or her crosses, is what streams from the holes in my bathroom's curtain" (Source)