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!I Should Have Loved Biology
Science: Crypt Keeper wasp brainwashes far more victims than thought
The Conversation: Secrets of the orchid mantis revealed - It doesn't mimic an orchid after all.
Entomology Today: Can Insect Repellent Keep Flies Away Even After Death?
Animals are queerer than humans
abiogenesis: the natural process by which living organisms have arisen from non-living matter
araneidan: of or pertaining to orb-weaving spiders
arboreal: living in trees
clowder: a group of cats
detritus: dead or waste organic material
freesia: Any of several plants of the genus Freesia, native to southern Africa, having clusters of fragrant, variously colored tubular flowers borne on one side of the stem
hoary: gray or white with or as if with age; ancient
jugular: of or pertaining to the region of the neck, throat
meline: of or pertaining to badgers
mouthfeel: the texture of an object, as sensed/perceived by one's mouth
myoxine: of or pertaining to dormice
natal homing: the homing process by which some animals return to their birthplace to reproduce
ooidal: shaped like an egg
oscinine: of or pertaining to songbirds
phylline: leaf-like
quercine: roborean, of or pertaining to oaks
splooting: the behavior of lying flat out on the belly with arms and legs spread out that some animals do, often to cool off, by radiating heat into the cooler ground
sylvestral: of/pertaining to/growing/living/occurring in/beneath a wood/tree
verbena: any of various plants of the genus Verbena, chiefly of the Americas, that have opposite leaves and flowers with five-lobed corollas and are used medicinally or cultivated for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers
xerothermic: characterized by heat and dryness, adapted to or thriving in a hot dry environment
yohimbe: a tree native to central/western Africa, a male impotence remedy derived from this tree's bark
The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery
Microcosmos: People of the Grass directed by Claude Nuridsany & Marie PĂ©rennou (Youtube/Internet Archive)