// character names! const names = [ "Antonio", "Arthur", "Alucard", "Bartholemew", "Benjamin", "Barney", "Calico", "Connor", "Christopher", "Daniel", "Don", "David", "Duke", "Emilio", "Edward", "Ed", "Eduardo", "Figuaro", "Francois", "Francis", "Gilbert", "Gaston", "Gonzalo", "Henry", "Hendrick", "Henri", "Israel", "Ian", "Icarus", "John", "Jack", "James", "Kingston", "King", "Ken", "Len", "Lawrence", "Lane", "Moody", "Mascarino", "Miller", "Ned", "Nicholas", "Nolan", "Oliver", "Othello", "Owen", "Patrick", "Pierre", "Peter", "Ralph", "Roderigo", "Roger", "Samuel", "Simon", "Samson", "Thomas", "Tew", "Tempest" ]; // names for money! const monNames = [ "Doubloons", "Spoils", "Booty", "Money", "Riches", "Coins", "Gold", "Shinies", "Pennies", "Bounty", "Blings", "Shillings", "Treasure", "Fortune", "Ka-chings", "Precious Metals", "Chocolate Coins", "Cash", "Loot", "Sun's Blood" ]; // types of islands! const isleTypes = [ "Island", "Island", "Island", "Island", "Isle", "Isle", "Isle", "Islet", "Islet", "Cay", "Enclave", "Atoll", "Atoll", "Peninsula", "Archipelago", "Oasis", "Holm" ]; // names of fish! const fish = [ "trout", "sea bass", "trout", "sea bass", "trout", "sea bass", "tuna", "anchovy", "cod", "tuna", "anchovy", "cod", "tuna", "anchovy", "cod", "flounder", "grouper", "flying fish", "herring", "mackerel", "snapper", "swordfish", "swordfish", "swordfish", "orange roughy", "salmon", "sardine", "hake" ]; // pirate yous! const pirateYous = [ "you", "ye", "ya", "yew" ]; // insult beginnings! const insultBeg = [ "Get yer noggin screwed on right", "Sleep with thar fishes", "Taste steel", "Run for yar life", "Ya look so ugly ye could make an onion cry", "Yer saltier than the ocean", "Yar parents shoud've left ye with yar stork", "Go find yer sea legs", "Ye better batten down yer hatches", "Yew deserve tew dance the hempen jig", "Ya belong in Davy Jones' locker", "I'll feed ya to the fishes", "I'll give yew no quarter", "Try heavin' a little harder", "I'll fit yer head into the hempen halter", "I'll throw yer carcass off the poop deck", "Yew'll become shark bait soon enough", "Walk the plank", "Yew will make a fine meal for thar sharks", "I'll have you becalmed", "I hope yew get bilged on yer own anchor", "I'll blow yew down", "I can tell y'never carreened yerself in yar life", "Yew deserve to be marooned", "I'll scupper yer gizzard", "Weigh yer anchor and leave", "Go pay a visit to Jack Ketch", "Go lubber back to yer home", "Yew'll be next on the gibbit", "Yew look like yew've fallen from the crow's nest", "I'll keelhaul ya", "I'll cleave yew to the brisket", "The lightning had better strike yer mast", "Yew deserve to be flogged", "I'll grog ya so hard yew won't 'member yer name", "I'll dunk ye in the head", "You'll be hanged from the yardam soon", "I'll caulk yew for that", "Yar three sheets have clearly blown to tha wind" ] // insult adjectives! const insultAdj = [ "pompous", "bawdy", "artless", "beslubbering", "bootless", "churlish", "clockered", "clouted", "craven", "currish", "drawlish", "misering", "droning", "errant", "fawling", "fobbing", "frothy", "gleeking", "goatering", "gorbellied", "impertinent", "loggerheaded", "lumpish", "mammering", "mangled", "mewling", "paunchy", "pribbling", "pukering", "qualling", "reeky", "spongy", "ruttish", "curdling", "surly", "tottering", "muzzled", "vain", "venomous", "villainous", "warped", "wayward", "weedy", "urchin-snouted", "onion-eyed", "pox-marked", "tickle-brained", "doghearted", "half-faced", "spitting", "yellow", "puny", "vile", "blasted", "shrimpy", "worthless", "insignificant", "cowardly", "landlubbin'", "mouse-armed", "parrot-mouthed", "putrid", "tiny", "lazy", "nauseous", "bony", "fleshy", "bloated", "scurvy", "mangy", "bloody", "fish-kissin'", "weak-kneed", "slack-jawed", "nattering", "pigeonheaded", "dreadful", "stumblin'", "infested", "spineless", "salty", "self-absorbed", "bulbous", "eggheaded", "dirty", "naggering", "frivetous", "odious", "wretched", "rancid", "blithing", "sloppy" ]; // insult nouns! const insultNou = [ "buffoon", "landlubber", "dog", "monkey", "dolt", "cur", "shrimp", "nincompoop", "dummy", "chicken", "drunkard", "weakling", "fool", "windbag", "bloat", "coward", "hide", "cabin boy", "bilge rat", "knave", "picaroon", "lubber", "rapscallion", "scallywag", "swab", "rogue", "dullard", "gob", "swine", "beggar", "parrot", "carouser", "blowfish", "trout", "sluggard", "rodent", "midget", "plop", "knock", "tick", "pest", "stink", "turd", "croak", "quack", "barnacle", "bladder", "piglet", "pig", "bugbear", "clotpole", "coxcomb", "codpiece", "dewberry", "gilgstit", "gudgeon", "interloper", "lout", "mammet", "maggot", "hornswaggler", "worm", "minnow", "pittock", "pumpion", "scut", "fillet", "poltroon", "crimp" ];