A symbol representing the blue rose.


Osiris is a Python 3 static site generator that I first released near the end of 2021. It's defining feature is being too barebones for it's own good. It just takes .md files from the content/ directory, puts their contents into a .html template, then tosses the result into the output/ directory.

I created Osiris for the first iteration of this site, but didn't release it because the code was icky & bloated in ways I didn't know how to fix at the time. With the second iteration, those issues are now gone.

Future versions of this program will clean up the output directory without any fuckery and catch broken links. If I ever magically get better at Python, I'll stop using markdown2.

GET IT HERE. (Note: this version is pretty out of date, but I still need to clean up the version this site uses a bit more before making it public.)