A symbol representing the blue rose.


This page is a showcase for art I created during October challenges.

Drawtober 2022

An attempt to create 31 622x350 black-and-white pixel art sketches for October 2022. I'd been struggling with creating art for some of the games I'm working on, and this was a good opportunity to start forcing myself to practice.

While I got some great practice out of making these, I completely failed Drawtober! I need to keep myself from getting too lost in the details...

6 women in white dresses, 3 on each side of a large tree devoid of all leaves save for one on it's right side. The trees roots stretch below the earth...

A snail chugs along, leaving [REDACTED] in it's wake.

I was entranced by the sparks, not taking my gaze off of them for at least 25 minutes.