A symbol representing the blue rose.


Godot is a 2D and 3D, cross-platform, free and open-source game engine released under the MIT license. Godot's development was started by Juan 'reduz' Linietsky and Ariel 'punto' Manzur in 2007, with the source code being initially released in 2014, under the MIT license.

The name "Godot" was chosen due to its relation to Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot, as it represents the never-ending wish of adding new features in the engine, that would get it closer to an exhaustive product, but never will.



Godot Docs
Godot Docs: GDScript Reference
Godot Docs: Vector Math
Godot Docs: RichTextLabel's meta_clicked signal


GDQuest: Make Games with Godot: Beginner Edition
Awesome Godot
Godot Recipes (for 3.x)
Victor Karp's Godot Tutorials
Godot 4 Roguelike Tutorial
Godot Shaders
Game Dev Artisan
Zeneva's free Godot courses


Joe Bustamante
Godot Tutorials
Godot Clicker Game Tutorial


Godot 7DRL Starter 2024
Cogito - Immersive sim template project for Godot 4
Godot Custom Node: BoxCam2D