A symbol representing the blue rose.

Climate Crisis

'Fake sheep filling in for real sheep.'


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Build It Solar
Rejection of Climate Science


For permacomputing, see Computing.

Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index
Bitcoin's growing e-waste problem


drawdown: stealing resources from the future
mottainai (勿体無い): a sense of regret over waste, "What a waste!"


2023-06-07: "Me and my family have been holed up inside all day due to the Canadian Wildfire's smoke. It's absolutely wild to me that it's even getting to where we are, let alone in large enough amounts to keep us from leaving :/" (Source)

2021-03-20: "I just came home from helping a local group clean up a lake about 3 minutes away from my home with beer all over my leg. I had found a can of beer sitting in the rocks near the lake, and apparently some jackass opened it but didn't drink anything out of it, leaving it on the ground. I put it in the bag assuming it was empty like all the other discarded cans and bottles I had found in the area, only for all the beer to spill onto my leg :/" (Source)